Recap for the January 12-16 Week

This week has been quite uneventful for me to say the least; due to engagements, I ended up not trading on Friday or preparing a watchlist for that matter. Here are the watchlists I established this week:

This week ended up having some interesting plays, but nothing quite significant. I did however miss a couple of opportunities by setting myself in a tunnel vision state preventing me to look at other plays.

Unfortunately I haven’t been able to catch up with the events market events of Friday the 16th, so I can’t possibly comment on what has happened during that period until I properly sit down and start looking at the summary of the day and the individual stocks for that day.

On the 15th $KONE, stock that I dismissed from my watchlist before market open, rose about 63% at its highest peak.

$SMSI was a good play on the 14th as an earnings winner, Tim Sykes alerted on it, and truth be told, it was an easy find when paying attention to the right parameters; this stock went up 40% on earnings.

On the 13th $CDVI and $MNGA moved as I had expected, but I wasn’t paying attention when the moves happened, this ended up being missed opportunities all the way through.

On the 12th $CDVI had a 46% gain and $MNGA jumped about $0.35 on a contract win with the FDNY.

Overall, the quality of my lists has been improving in terms of my picks and my ability to predict the movement of these stocks based on price action and some fundamental analysis, however, when it comes to the actual trading, my performance has been less than desirable in every way – I have not been able to perform a single trade this week.

It also led me to consider how I use, or more specifically how I haven’t been using, the tools at my disposal in an efficient and productive way. I’ll be making a post on that subject shortly, exploring how to better integrate the trading and research tools that are currently available to me in order to better time my entries.