It seems that this week I am on a roll for development.
As I was reading Tim Grittani‘s latest post on his blog, I was drawn to learn how to properly use the available tools at my disposal; one of these tools, as was pointed out by Tim, is spreadsheets used to track stocks and perform statistical analysis.
I found the process to be rather time consuming when it comes to adding stocks and manually entering all the data that is related to it; I’m lazy and that’s why I got an engineering degree: automate it so you don’t have to ever do it again. And so I did.
Below you will find a Google spreadsheets script that gets stock data directly from Yahoo finance through the free YQL interface. I will not go over the installation, but you can check out this post and video that gives you a fairly good idea on how to do it .
Here are some screenshots of the installation process:
This will need to be added to every spreadsheet that you want the script active.
For more information, check out my GitHub.
Updated to include Historical data for Date Range (set in script).
/** * Created by Jamil on 12/8/2014. * * Based and improved from * * */ /******************************************** * TODO: * * - Implement keystats data query and add columns -*'AAPL' * * ********************************************/ function onOpen() { var menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createAddonMenu(); // Or DocumentApp or FormApp. menu.addItem('Get Quotes for Active Range', 'pullData'); menu.addToUi(); } function pullData(){ /************************************* * Display Titles - Change below *************************************/ var display_titles = true; // true to display titles (default), false to remove titles /************************************* * Display Titles - Change Above *************************************/ var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet(); var range = sheet.getActiveRange(); var data = range.getValues(); //range.getValues(); //var data = r1; // Query string var query = ""; var lines = []; var j=0; // Loop through values - get first column only for (var i=0; i < data.length; i++){ symbol = data[i][0]; // Validate data to be a symbol if(symbol.match(/\w{3,5}/)){ query += "%22"+symbol.capitalize()+"%22%2C"; //Add symbol to query lines[j]=i; j++; } } query = query.replace(/\%2C$/g,""); scol = range.getLastColumn();//cr2.getColumn(); srow = range.getRow();//cr2.getRow(); Logger.log(scol); Logger.log(srow); var url="*"+query+")&format=json&diagnostics=true&"; var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); var json=JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); var fields = getQuoteFields(); // Displays the titles above the selected range if(display_titles){ trow = srow - 1; if(trow > 0){ dcol=0; for(i=0; i<fields.length; i++){ sheet.getRange(trow, scol+dcol).setValue(fields[i]); sheet.getRange(trow, scol+dcol).setFontWeight("bold"); sheet.autoResizeColumn(scol+dcol); dcol++; } } } // Displays the data collected from Yahoo finance YQL for quotes var quotes=json.query.results.quote; dcol = 0; for(i=0;i<quotes.length;i++){ row = srow+lines[i]; dcol = 0; // Loop Through selected fields for(j=0; j<fields.length; j++){ var val = quotes[i][fields[j]]; if(typeof(val) == "string" ){ val = val.replace(/\+/g,""); } sheet.getRange(row, scol+dcol++).setValue(val); } } // TODO: Get Historical Data from YQL startdate = "2014-12-01"; enddate = "2014-12-05"; url="*"+query+")%20and%20startDate%20%3D%20%22"+startdate+"%22%20and%20endDate%20%3D%20%22"+enddate+"%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&"; response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url); json=JSON.parse(response.getContentText()); var hist=json.query.results.quote; var symbol_count = range.getValues().length; var record_count = json.query.count; var rec_per_sym = parseInt(record_count/symbol_count); //Logger.log("Records per symbol: "+rec_per_sym); fields= getHistoricalFields(); for(i=0; i<symbol_count; i++){ offset = i+1; ecol = dcol; for(j=rec_per_sym*i; j< rec_per_sym*offset; j++){ row = srow+lines[i]; // Loop Through selected fields for(k=0; k<fields.length; k++){ // add titles on top if(i == 0 && display_titles){ trow = srow - 1; if(trow > 0){ sheet.getRange(trow, scol+ecol).setValue(fields[k]+" for "+hist[j]["Date"]); sheet.getRange(trow, scol+ecol).setFontWeight("bold"); sheet.autoResizeColumn(scol+ecol); } } val = hist[j][fields[k]]; sheet.getRange(row, scol+ecol++).setValue(val); } } }// // TODO: get Key stats data from YQL } function getQuoteFields(){ i=0; fields = []; /****************************************** * * Select the desired fields below * add "//" in front to disable a field as such: * // fields[i++] = "symbol"; // symbol * * Fields can be reordered as required by cutting and pasting at a higher/lower position * * These are all the fields available on yahoo YQL. * For more info:* * ******************************************/ fields[i++] = "symbol"; // symbol fields[i++] = "Ask"; // Ask fields[i++] = "AverageDailyVolume"; // AverageDailyVolume fields[i++] = "Bid"; // Bid fields[i++] = "AskRealtime"; // AskRealtime fields[i++] = "BidRealtime"; // BidRealtime fields[i++] = "BookValue"; // BookValue fields[i++] = "Change_PercentChange"; // Change_PercentChange fields[i++] = "Change"; // Change fields[i++] = "Commission"; // Commission fields[i++] = "Currency"; // Currency fields[i++] = "ChangeRealtime"; // ChangeRealtime fields[i++] = "AfterHoursChangeRealtime"; // AfterHoursChangeRealtime fields[i++] = "DividendShare"; // DividendShare fields[i++] = "LastTradeDate"; // LastTradeDate fields[i++] = "TradeDate"; // TradeDate fields[i++] = "EarningsShare"; // EarningsShare fields[i++] = "ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid"; // ErrorIndicationreturnedforsymbolchangedinvalid fields[i++] = "EPSEstimateCurrentYear"; // EPSEstimateCurrentYear fields[i++] = "EPSEstimateNextYear"; // EPSEstimateNextYear fields[i++] = "EPSEstimateNextQuarter"; // EPSEstimateNextQuarter fields[i++] = "DaysLow"; // DaysLow fields[i++] = "DaysHigh"; // DaysHigh fields[i++] = "YearLow"; // YearLow fields[i++] = "YearHigh"; // YearHigh fields[i++] = "HoldingsGainPercent"; // HoldingsGainPercent fields[i++] = "AnnualizedGain"; // AnnualizedGain fields[i++] = "HoldingsGain"; // HoldingsGain fields[i++] = "HoldingsGainPercentRealtime"; // HoldingsGainPercentRealtime fields[i++] = "HoldingsGainRealtime"; // HoldingsGainRealtime fields[i++] = "MoreInfo"; // MoreInfo fields[i++] = "OrderBookRealtime"; // OrderBookRealtime fields[i++] = "MarketCapitalization"; // MarketCapitalization fields[i++] = "MarketCapRealtime"; // MarketCapRealtime fields[i++] = "EBITDA"; // EBITDA fields[i++] = "ChangeFromYearLow"; // ChangeFromYearLow fields[i++] = "PercentChangeFromYearLow"; // PercentChangeFromYearLow fields[i++] = "LastTradeRealtimeWithTime"; // LastTradeRealtimeWithTime fields[i++] = "ChangePercentRealtime"; // ChangePercentRealtime fields[i++] = "ChangeFromYearHigh"; // ChangeFromYearHigh fields[i++] = "PercebtChangeFromYearHigh"; // PercebtChangeFromYearHigh fields[i++] = "LastTradeWithTime"; // LastTradeWithTime fields[i++] = "LastTradePriceOnly"; // LastTradePriceOnly fields[i++] = "HighLimit"; // HighLimit fields[i++] = "LowLimit"; // LowLimit fields[i++] = "DaysRange"; // DaysRange fields[i++] = "DaysRangeRealtime"; // DaysRangeRealtime fields[i++] = "FiftydayMovingAverage"; // FiftydayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "TwoHundreddayMovingAverage"; // TwoHundreddayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage"; // ChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "PercentChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage"; // PercentChangeFromTwoHundreddayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "ChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage"; // ChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "PercentChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage"; // PercentChangeFromFiftydayMovingAverage fields[i++] = "Name"; // Name fields[i++] = "Notes"; // Notes fields[i++] = "Open"; // Open fields[i++] = "PreviousClose"; // PreviousClose fields[i++] = "PricePaid"; // PricePaid fields[i++] = "ChangeinPercent"; // ChangeinPercent fields[i++] = "PriceSales"; // PriceSales fields[i++] = "PriceBook"; // PriceBook fields[i++] = "ExDividendDate"; // ExDividendDate fields[i++] = "PERatio"; // PERatio fields[i++] = "DividendPayDate"; // DividendPayDate fields[i++] = "PERatioRealtime"; // PERatioRealtime fields[i++] = "PEGRatio"; // PEGRatio fields[i++] = "PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear"; // PriceEPSEstimateCurrentYear fields[i++] = "PriceEPSEstimateNextYear"; // PriceEPSEstimateNextYear fields[i++] = "Symbol"; // Symbol fields[i++] = "SharesOwned"; // SharesOwned fields[i++] = "ShortRatio"; // ShortRatio fields[i++] = "LastTradeTime"; // LastTradeTime fields[i++] = "TickerTrend"; // TickerTrend fields[i++] = "OneyrTargetPrice"; // OneyrTargetPrice fields[i++] = "Volume"; // Volume fields[i++] = "HoldingsValue"; // HoldingsValue fields[i++] = "HoldingsValueRealtime"; // HoldingsValueRealtime fields[i++] = "YearRange"; // YearRange fields[i++] = "DaysValueChange"; // DaysValueChange fields[i++] = "DaysValueChangeRealtime"; // DaysValueChangeRealtime fields[i++] = "StockExchange"; // StockExchange fields[i++] = "DividendYield"; // DividendYield fields[i++] = "PercentChange"; // PercentChange //*/ return fields; } function getHistoricalFields(){ i=0; fields = []; /****************************************** * * Select the desired fields below * add "//" in front to disable a field as such: * // fields[i++] = "symbol"; // symbol * * Fields can be reordered as required by cutting and pasting at a higher/lower position * * These are all the fields available on yahoo YQL. * For more info:* * ******************************************/ //fields[i++] = "Symbol"; // Symbol //fields[i++] = "Date"; // Date fields[i++] = "Open"; // Open fields[i++] = "High"; // High fields[i++] = "Low"; // Low fields[i++] = "Close"; // Close fields[i++] = "Volume"; // Volume fields[i++] = "Adj_Close"; // Adj_Close //*/ return fields; } String.prototype.capitalize = function() { return this.replace(/(?:^|\s)\S/g, function(a) { return a.toUpperCase(); }); };