Ninja0n3 is currently a member of and has an account as an affiliate member for which he receives 30% of each referred paid sign-up.
Timothy Sykes Millionaire Challenge
Ninja0n3 is currently part of the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Challenge as a student. He actively participates in the Tim Challenge Chat on and is subscribed to TimAlerts. While he currently follows the Timothy Sykes Millionaire Challenge course, he is in no way or form directly affiliated with Timothy Sykes or his products.
While Ninja0n3 is part of the program he is in no way required to promote or advertise the course. Any uncompensated promotion would be done if convinced through his own performance that the challenge works. Individuals interested in the program should perform their own in-depth research to find out the suitability to their specific case.
Ninja0n3 may post comments on twitter about stocks, taken positions of personal opinions. Before pursuing any stocks discussed, please refer to the Disclaimer page. While he may post on taken positions, these may be delayed and attempting to take the same positions may result in financial losses and is strongly discouraged. These tweets do not represent recommendations on trades and are only intended for entertainment purposes and not as financial advise of any way or form.