Google Sheets Strategy Performance Tracking Template

As I’ve been working very hard to maximize my trading productivity and based on the behavior of successful traders, I took it upon myself to make a strategy performance tracking spreadsheet on Google Sheets.

The basic analytic data is based upon what shows; the difference being that each trade can be associated to one or more strategies which are tracked separately and for which the specifics statistics are calculated as opposed to having simply an overall view of all combined trades.

The purpose of this trading performance tracking sheet is to be able to determine which strategies are the most profitable and which are not; this is building upon the concepts of Tim Gritanni, who does a lot of this type of statistical analysis in order to optimize his trading.

Here is the link to the Google Sheet: Strategy Performance Tracker – It is in view only mode, so you’ll need to copy it to your google drive account and work from there.


How to use the spreadsheet is pretty straight forward.

Available Sheets

  • Summary – a summary of all the strategies displaying all the necessary statistics for each as well as the global overview
  • All Entries – this is where your trades are input
  • PL Chart – Cumultative profit/loss chart for each of the strategies on a single graph
  • Longs – Long trades, this data is collected automatically from All Entries, no need to enter anything manually here
  • Shorts – Short trades, this data is collected automatically from All Entries, no need to enter anything manually here
  • S***** Sheets – these sheets refer to each of the strategies; as for Longs and Shorts sheets, the values are obtained automatically and calculated, no manual edition necessary
  • Strategy Template – A template intended to create your own strategy, serves as the basis for adding new strategies to track, do not edit

Entering Data

The only sheet that should be edited, unless you wish to add new strategies, is “All Entries”. Here is how to enter the data on each of the fields.

  • Ticker – the ticker or symbol of the traded stock
  • Type – the value here should be either a lowercase L (l for Long) or a lowercase S (s for Short), any other values will give you bad results
  • Strategy – in this field you will enter the strategy(ies) code(s) for the traded stock corresponding to the code associated to the strategy sheet. If using multiple strategies, make sure you separate them with a space or a comma. Each strategy name should be unique
    • for example for “Buy Contracts”, you would enter the strategy code SBC that corresponds to that strategy sheet
    • for example  the stock follows the strategies “Buy Contracts” and “Buy Breakouts”, you would enter SBC, SBBO
  • Entry – your entry price for this trade
  • Entry Date – the entry date for this trade
  • Exit – the exits price for this trade
  • Exit Date – the exit date for this trade
  • Position – your position size for this trade
  • Commission – can be left blank, is used to calculate Profit/Loss
  • Profit/Loss – is a calculated field and does not need to be edited manually
  • Percentage – is a calculated field and does not need to be edited manually
  • Cum. P/L – Cummulative Profit/Loss, is a calculated field and does not need to be edited manually

Once the data is entered, the sheet performs all the calculations automatically and provides you with all the necessary information.

Adding Strategies

If you wish to add a strategy to your tracker, simply duplicate the “Strategy Template” sheet.

Rename the sheet to the code you wish to have, in cel N2  for example “Buy Late Contracts” would enter SBLC in the N2 cell on the sheet.

Additionally, you can provide a more readable name in the merged cel M1.

You will then need to add columns to the following sheets:

  • Summary – Add a column after the rightmost cell, set the content of that cell to the code you have created for your strategy and copy the formula from the the second row on the previous strategy column to the current.
    • Example, my last cell is S1, I would select column S, right click and select “Insert 1 Right”, this will copy the formatting of the selected column and insert a column to the right. We now have column T with formatting. In T1 I would enter SBLC, in T2 I would copy the formula from S2 to T2.
  • PL Chart – Same principle as above, add a column to the right, enter the code in the first row of that column and copy the formula of the second row of the previous column to the second row of the new column.

Removing Strategies

If you wish to remove strategies you need to do the following:

  • Delete corresponding column from Summary
  • Delete corresponding column from P/L Chart
  • Delete corresponding sheet


If you have any questions on how to use the tracker, get in touch, I’ll try to help you as best as I can.

  • Catie Miller

    This was so so helpful for me. THANK YOU. You probably won’t see this comment, since it’s been 4 years haha. But truly thank you, this is gold to someone knew to excel and learning to trade and track everything. You’ve helped me start off right!