Embarking on a Million Dollar Journey

And so it begins.

I have embarked on a journey to reach a Million Dollars by trading penny stocks. I didn’t pull this idea out of my butt, and I’m not crazy.

Over the last couple of years, I had contemplated the idea of becoming a full time day-trader. However due to my financial restrictions at the time I was unable to do just that… Until now.

Through extended in-depth research and long deliberation, I decided to join Timothy Sykes Millionaire Challenge in order to access the wealth of information that has been accumulated by himself as well his students, Michael Goode and Tim Grittani, among others. If you’re interested in joining, do your research and draw your own conclusions, I did my work and I know it works; truth be told you are expected to work hard and dedicate yourself to trading if you wish to become profitable. It is a lifestyle that suits me well but it is not made for everyone.

The idea behind this blog is to document my trades, my successes and my failures. It is the journal of this Million Dollar Journey. I’ll do my very best to be as concise and detailed as possible and whenever I can, I’ll screencast my trades and talk about it all.
This blog is more of a personal experiment made for myself, than anything else; I just choose to make this journey a visible one.

Through my experiences, I will also discuss and analyze my trades regularly in order to develop a deeper understanding of how penny stocking works and how the theory fits in the chaos that is the stock market. Even in chaos there is order. At times I will make available the result of my research in the form of a commented watchlist explaining why I pick the stocks that I do for myself – My watchlist is my own and will in no way represent financial advise or invite the reader to buy or sell any of that; I won’t be held responsible if it blows in your face.

And for those who read this blog, make sure, you understand my Disclaimer when it comes to what I publish.

I will also document my trades on Profit.ly. Feel free to follow.

This is me, I’ve joined the Dojo to reach the level of the Masters in the art of Red and Green in order to become a pennystocking ninja through hard work, motivation and deep dedication to my goal. I am Ninja0n3, enjoy my journey.